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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

halls of asgard/the Bifrost bridge


Bifröst is the rainbow bridge leading from the realm of the mortals Midgard to the shining realm of the Gods; Asgard, The Gods and Goddesses travel Bifrost daily to hold their councils under the shade of the tree Yggdrasil.

The Aesir descending the Rainbow Bridge

Built by the Æsir, the bridge itself is the rainbow and its guardian is the god Heimdall. The red color of the rainbow was the flaming fire, which served as a defense against the giants. The bridge is destined to be destroyed at the end of the world, Ragnarök.
Alternative spellings:
Bifrost, Asbru, Asbru Bridge.

Valhalla ("Hall of the Slain") is one of the halls belonging to Odin, the home for those slain gloriously in battle, who are welcomed by Bragi and escorted to Valhalla by the Valkyries. It has five hundred and forty doors, walls made of spears, a roof made of shields and benches covered with armors. It is said that there is room enough for all those chosen, and finding a place in there is much easier than entering. Those who do not get to Valhalla or one of the other halls of the Gods or Goddesses end up in the home of the dead, Helheim, a place beneath the underworld, Niflheim.

In addition to the Valkyries, the Einherjar warriors and a rooster named Gullinkambi ("golden comb") live there.

Bliskirnir ("Lightning Crackle") is the hall belonging to Thor. Bliskirnir is the Largest of all the halls in Asgard.


Fensalir ("Broadly Glittering") is the hall belonging to Baldur, where nothing impure is allowed to enter.

Fensalir ("Marsh Hall") is the hall belonging to Frigga. Here reside the souls of children.

Fokkvang ("field of the host") is the hall belonging to Freyja. Here resides half of the souls of the chosen slain the other half going to Odin's hall Valhalla.

Gladsheim ("Bright Home") is the hall belonging to All of the Gods and Goddesses where they have their thrones.

Glitnir ("Shinning Hall") is the hall belonging to Forseti.

Himinbjorg ("Heavens Mountain") is the hall belonging to Heimdall.

Noatun ("Ships Enclosure") is the hall belonging to Njord.

Sokkvabekk ("Sinking Brook") is the hall belonging to Saga.

Thrudvangar ("Power Plain") is the Realm in Asgard that is the home to Thor and his Hall Bliskirnir.

Valaskjalf ("Promontory of the Slain") is one of the halls belonging to Odin. Valaskjalf is the ancient home of the Aesir. On top of Valaskjalf is Odin's high seat Hlidskjalf ("Gate Tower"), from which Odin sits and can see everything that transpires in the 9 worlds.

Vingolf ("Wine Hall") is the hall and beautiful sanctuary belonging to the Asynjur (female Aesir). This hall is the dwelling place where Odin assigns the souls of the noble & righteous in Asgard.

Ydalir ("Yew Dales") is the hall belonging to the archer God Uller.

1 comment:

Kiran Jameel said...

I guess I am the only one who comes here to share my very own experience guess what? I am using my laptop for almost the post 2 years.

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